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How does acupuncture work?

It works through the nervous system. The needles block the pain messages and encourage the brain and central nervous system to produce more of the body’s natural painkillers. In conditions that are not painful, acupuncture may help to reset the body’s normal functioning.


Will it hurt my pet?

Acupuncture needles stimulate nerves that do not cause the unpleasant feelings of pain that we are trying to treat. They stimulate other nerves that send a more important message to the brain, which is how they block pain. Sometimes animals may react to this sensation as though they are expecting pain, but then relax because it does not occur. Most of the time they accept the fine needles very well and may become relaxed and sleepy during the treatment. Often they appear to look forward to the next treatment when they come back to the practice.


Would my pet need to be sedated for this treatment?

I do not sedate patients for acupuncture at my clinic, although it can be done. If your pet is too painful or apprehensive to have acupuncture then other options would be explored. Perhaps surprisingly, cats and rabbits accept acupuncture treatment very well.


How often would my pet be treated?

The usual course is once a week for four to six weeks. After four weeks we will know whether acupuncture is working for your pet and then, depending on the condition and how they have responded, we will work out a plan that usually involves tailing off the treatment so that the effect is maintained for as long as possible.

Dog receiving acupuncture
Rabbit receiving acupuncture

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is very safe, in the right hands. Legally it must be performed by a veterinary surgeon.


What kinds of conditions are treated with acupuncture?

Pain is the most common indication for acupuncture. Often this is pain associated with arthritis, but also muscle strains, (particularly back pain), pain secondary to disc disease and bony changes of the spine. Other kinds of pain may also respond.

Other conditions such as wound healing, skin atopic dermatitis, constipation, and irritable bowel type problems in dogs may also respond.


What can I expect during treatment?

After examination, needles will be put into various parts of the body and may be moved or stimulated a few times. The needles stay in place for 10 - 30 minutes before being removed. There is not a set “dose” of acupuncture as there is for medication, so your vet will judge how much to do based on your pet’s response both at the time and after the treatment. They may become sleepy and relaxed during the treatment.


What is Electroacupuncture?

Some pets require more stimulation than the needles alone. In these cases a small electric current is passed between a pair of needles to increase the stimulation to give a greater effect.

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What is Bespoke Herbal Medicine for Pets?

Tailored to Your Pet's Needs: Just like humans, every pet is unique. Bespoke herbal medicine is customised to address your pet's specific health concerns, taking into consideration their personality, medications, and individual characteristics.

Holistic Approach: I embrace a holistic approach to pet wellness, addressing not only specific symptoms but also focusing on the root causes of health issues. Bespoke herbal supplements aim to support your pet's entire well-being, from physical vitality to emotional balance.

What to expect

Each patient will have a bespoke herbal blend created from around 5 to 7 herbs after a detailed and extensive consultation, usually lasting an hour.  During your pets first consultation I will build up a picture of your pets health by:

  • Taking your pet's full case history.

  • Undertaking a physical examination of your pet.

  • Discussing your pet's diet and lifestyle.

  • Finding out about any medication or supplements your pet already takes.

This allows me to formulate a bespoke herbal prescription tailored to your pets individual needs.

Dog receiving acupuncture
Dog sitting

Herbs are commonly used alongside the conventional medications to support the body and reduce potential side effects. It is however important to remember that some herbs can have adverse interactions with some medications. For this reason, if your pet has a disease or is on medication it is vital to consult a trained veterinary herbalist to make sure that the herbs are safe to be used alongside your pet's conventional medications and any other diseases that your pet has.


Herbs often have multiple actions so if one herb cannot be used with a certain medication it is almost always possible to find another to take its place.


Herbs are usually given as a liquid tincture which can be added to the food to facilitate treatment.

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